Pupil Absence from School
If your child is absent from school, please notify the school office on the first day of absence as early as possible by telephone, letter or in person giving the reason why. Please keep the school informed if the absence is to be longer than one day.
Schools are now legally required to record all absences in the register as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’.
‘Authorised’ absences are those which are unavoidable due to illness, family crisis or medical appointments which cannot be made outside school hours.
‘Unauthorised’ absence is any other absence that does not fall within the prescribed reasons for authorisation. One unauthorised absence refers to a half-day session or part of a half-day session, where the child either fails to attend or arrives after the close of registration.
Holiday Absences
Please note that no holidays or other absence will be authorised during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you have exceptional circumstances an ’Absence Authorisation Form’, is to be completed and returned to school at least 10 days in advance. The forms are available from the school office.
Childhood Illness
If you are unsure about when to return your child to school after certain illnesses, please contact the School Clerk who keeps a list compiled by the Area Health Authority. As a precaution against infection it is school policy that a child who has had sickness or diarrhoea remains at home until they have been symptom free for 48 hours.
If you would like school to administer a medicine during the school day, please complete this from and hand it in to the school office.