In May 2022, the Department for Education published a document called ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ which applies from September 2022. The document states:
‘Attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including their attainment, wellbeing and wider life chances.’
As a school we want all our children to achieve and we are constantly looking at ways of improving our systems. One of the systems we have been reviewing is attendance.
What impact does poor attendance have on children?
Every single day a child is absent from school equates to a day of lost learning. Attendance percentages can be misleading. For some parents 90% attendance may seem like an acceptable level of attendance, however, the reality is that 90% attendance means that your child has missed half a day of school each week for the whole year or 19 days of school during the school year. That is nearly four school weeks.
The table below calculates the amount of learning a child will have missed.
What should I do if my child is absent?
It is useful to tell us the reasons for your child's absence and likely date for return, if known.