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Authorised absences

When can an absence be authorised?
It is the school’s responsibility to decide whether or not to authorise an absence. The law is clear that only the school can authorise an absence. If doubts remain about the explanation offered, or where one is not forthcoming at all, the absence must be treated as unauthorised.

At our school, absence will be authorised when:
• your child is genuinely ill or injured
• your child has a medical or dental appointment
• your child is taking part in a day of religious observance
• your child is prevented from attending by an unavoidable cause

In certain circumstances, by prior agreement with the school, absence may be authorised when:
• your child has an external examination, for example, in music or dance
• your child is attending an interview or special event at another school
• your child is receiving some specialist tuition
• your family is moving house
• your family has suffered a bereavement

Absence will not be authorised when:
• children are taken shopping during school hours
• children are asked to look after brothers or sisters
• children are asked to mind the house during school hours
• children are avoiding aspects of the curriculum e.g. games, swimming, visits or certain subjects, whether condoned by parents or not.
