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Class 2 - Maple

Welcome to Maple class 

Welcome to Class 2's page! The teacher in this class is Mr Devenport and the teaching assistant is Miss Mosley.


Here are some things to remember:


  • Read at home at least 3 times a week and get your reading record signed by an adult.  Parents, please remember to talk about the book with your child to develop their understanding. Bring your book and reading record into school everyday please. The more you read, the more raffle tickets you'll earn.
  • PE is usually on a Friday.  Some of our PE will be outdoors this term (weather permitting), so children will benefit from tracksuit or leggings. Trainers would be more suitable than pumps. Ear-rings must be removed for these lessons due to safety reasons.
  • Hand your homework in every week by Thursday. New homework is given out every Friday.
  • Practise your weekly spellings ready for the spelling test on Fridays.   
  • Please make sure water bottles are named. They will be sent home every Friday so they can be washed over the weekend.


Click on the star below to take you to a page where you will find explanations and examples of work we are currently learning about in class.


If you wish to contact me, please email


We hope you enjoy looking around our page.

Our topic for this term is Beyond Living Memory or Did Zog start the great fire of London?

The topic overview sheet (below) gives more information about what we shall we studying.
