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Early Help Offer

Breadsall CE Primary School will work with all children and families and provide support where it is needed.


We aim to:

Focus on preventing problems before they occur and offer flexible, responsive support when and where it’s required.

Base all we do on evidence of both what is needed and of what works and be brave enough to stop things that are wrong.

Work to families’ strengths especially those of parents and carers and take time to understand their needs fully.

Build the resilience of parents, young people, children and communities to support each other.


We will know if our work in early help is successful if it delivers these outcomes:

Children and Young People...

• Are physically and emotionally healthy

• Are resilient and able to learn well

• Are supported by their families, their community, and - when necessary - professionals to thrive and be successful

• Live in environments that are safe and support their learning and development.


Parents and Carers...

• Are supporting one another in their communities

• Know where to get help if they need it

• Have trusted relationships with practitioners, neighbours and other parents

• Are well informed about how best to help their child develop, and are motivated to make great choices.



Our Early Help Offer is embedded in the Breadsall CE Primary Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and is part of a continuum of work in helping keep children safe. Any concerns in our delivery of the offer can be addressed using the school’s complaints procedure.  


Our service is delivered by the headteacher and SEND coordinator (Mrs Forster) on behalf of the school.


Our point of contact in school is the school clerk, Mrs Crick; you can make contact by emailing
