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Pupils at Breadsall CE Primary School have lots of different  musical experiences  on their journey through school and there are extra-curricular   musical activities on offer on top  of the  school's music curriculum.  Some  of the opportunities on offer are:

  • Every child learns how to play a musical instrument for a  year when they are in Class 3 instruments used for this recently are ukulele and flute.
  • Pupils have the opportunity to take part in a Young Voices  Concert when in KS2, learning all the songs before they go.
  • There are individual instrument lessons available for pupils in piano and violin.
  • All pupils  have the opportunity to go to at least  one classical concert in their time at Breadsall CE Primary - last year it was to see the Halle Orchestra.
  • Pupils have a weekly singing practice  learning new songs and hymns  as they go through school.