Here are some ideas to help your child with their reading at home:
- Hear your child read a minimum of x3 a week. You don’t have to read a whole book. A page or two ( or even sentence or two!) is fine. Little and often is best. A snuggly ‘den’ may help a reluctant reader!
- Check out our diagraphs below. When children are reading help them to ‘spot’ diagraphs/trigraphs in words. This can also be done with words in the world around them.
summary-of-sounds-taught-in-ks1-for-parents.pdf ( (Set 3 sounds are for Year 1 children)
- If you are unsure on how to pronounce the sounds, you can watch this video:
Read Write Inc.: How to say the set one, set two and set three sounds (
- A list of ‘red words’ ( or non decodable words) can be found here:
red-words-to-learn-over-half-term.pdf ( Help your child to recognise these words in books and the environment around them.
- Continue to read a variety of stories to your child, asking questions about the story and the characters.