Here are some tips to help with numeracy at home:
Help children to recognise 1-20 when out and about. Can they confidently count forwards and backwards from 20? Make it part of your daily routine to count objects as often as possible.
Are children able to get a number of objects from a pile. Encourage children to count correctly.
Board games are fantastic for helping at home. They encourage counting on and back, as well as number recognition. A dice will help children to recognise number patterns without counting.
Spot shapes when out and about. This includes 2D shapes and 3D shapes ( including cone/cylinder/cube/sphere/pyramid/cuboid). Discuss the differences between shapes. This activity can normally be done with food packets too!
Draw attention to real life math problems around the home. For example, how many plates will we need, how many stairs to bed? If I walk 3 stairs to bed, how many will be left?
Practise addition and subtraction with objects and by using a number line. This could be a hopscotch outside!
Encourage children to write numbers for a real world purpose, such as writing down a phone number or how many items you need from the shop.
When completing addition and subtraction, encourage children to write number sentences such as 8-2=6
Encourage children to look for patterns in the world around them. For example, what do they notice about door numbers when walking down the street? How about patterns in the pavement?
Sing 'counting rhymes' . The ones we use in school can be found here:Counting songs - BBC Teach
Keep learning number bonds to 10. Eg 8+2=10. You could do this practically during your day. For example, you have 3 cars out, how many more cars would we need to get to 10?